Spine Center

Our approach

Close collaboration between operative and non-operative providers is important in providing patients access to the most appropriate care for their specific condition. Many spinal disorders may be treated effectively with physical therapy exercises, behavioral and occupational therapy, injections, and medications. Other spinal disorders, such as symptomatic nerve compression, progressive spinal deformity, or conditions causing spinal instability, may be more effectively managed by early access to operative care.

Non-operative treatments

Physical medicine and rehabilitation -- also known as physiatry -- is a branch of medicine which aims to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities. By using physical therapy, exercise and pain management, physiatry has helped many people who suffer from injuries and chronic/acute pain to return to fully functioning lives.

Our team

We are one of the largest centers of its kind in the country, treating 10,000 patients a year. The center brings together world-renowned specialists in neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, neurology, physiatry and other specialties to design the most effective treatment for your condition.  Our multi-disciplinary team includes orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists, cancer specialists, physiatrists, radiologists, rheumatologists, nurses, physical therapists, and pain specialists.



Appointments & Locations

Spine Care in San Francisco: 415-353-2739 
Spine Care in Marin: 415-925-8963 
Services are available in San Francisco, the East Bay, Marin County, and the Peninsula.
Download our Spine Center Fact Sheet.

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