Skeletal Health

Our approach

The skeleton is our body's internal frame -- providing both stability and mobility. The strength of the skeleton depends on the helathhealth of our bones. Childhood is the essential window for gaining bone size and strength , as well as bone size. In adulthood, many factors affect our ability to maintain essential bone health and prevent fractures. 

At UCSF, we have developed a unique program: the Skeletal Health Service, a practice for which we care for patients of all ages -- from pediatrics to geriatrics -- to optimize bone health acreossacross a lifespan.

Our team

The UCSF Skeletal Health Service is a multidisciplinary collaboration of faculty specializing in metabolic bone, endocrinology, rheumatology and nephrology. We are providing skeletal health clinics at the Orthopaedic Institute. We work closely with the laboratory, physical therapy and nutrition services to provide a comprehensive program. To learn more, visit the Skeletal Health web site.

Appointments & Locations

Appointments: 415-353-2808
Skeletal Health Services are available in multiple locations in the Bay Area. 
Download a complete listing of locations.

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