SPARC (Spine Pathology Advanced Research Center)
Our Mission:
SPARC aims to advance spine care through cutting-edge research and fostering the development and integration of new technologies to improve patient outcomes. We are committed to expanding access to care and promoting outreach initiatives that ensure all individuals, regardless of background or location, benefit from the latest advancements as well as improve communication between the patient and their provider. By emphasizing education, we aim to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver the highest quality care.
Primary objectives of SPARC:
Accelerating research activity and building a world-class clinical research network to evaluate patient outcomes and evaluate the potential of emerging treatments and therapies. We hope to identify national trends in the treatment of spine pathology including traumatic injuries.
Focus areas:
a. Outcome Driven Research
b. Emerging Spine Technology
c. Minimally Invasive Techniques
d. Traumatic spine injuries
e. Spinopelvic pathology
f. Global access to spine care and education
g. In-person and remote spine-based education
1. Improving access to spine care for urban communities-
Enhancing the standard of care in both hospital and community settings through investments in patient education.
2. Global outreach in spine education and research.
Specific focus: Spine surgical education and research in low and low middle income countries.
3. Fostering Collaboration-
Encouraging partnerships among researchers, clinical specialists and advocates to share knowledge resources and expertise.
Sample of Current Projects:
• AO TL-OF- The osteoporotic fracture classification-based scoring
system for treatment decisions in thoracolumbar osteoporotic fractures: An international multicenter prospective study
• TRACK-SCI: Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Spinal Cord Injury (TRACK-SCI)
• Pelvic Inlet View: Reliability of Intraoperative pelvic inlet view to assess bicortical S1 pedicle screw placement
• Hidden Cost: Is Public Healthcare Actually Affordable? Calculating the Hidden Costs of Spine Care in the Underserved Population at an Urban Safety Net Hospital.
• Editorial Bias in the current publications – literature review
• Social determinants of spine care – prospective study
• Spinal Surgical Outcomes Data Registry – prospective study
• Impact of trauma center proliferation on spine education and research – retrospective study
Recent Publications:
1. Khela M, Agha O, Bonsignore-Opp L, Xu M, Gendelberg D, El Naga AN. Percutaneous Spino-Pelvic Fixation Technique Using External Fixation for Focal Kyphosis Reduction in U-type Sacral Fractures: A Case Report. Journal of Spine Surgery. (Accepted)
2. Wague A, O'Donnell JM, Stroud S, Filley A, Rangwalla K, Baldwin A, El Naga AN, Gendelberg D, Berven S. Association Between Opioid Utilization and Patient Reported Outcome Measures Following Lumbar Spine Surgery. Spine J. 2024 Jul;24(7):1183-1191. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.02.004. Epub 2024 Feb 14. PMID: 38365008.
3. Bonsignore-Opp L, Galivanche A, El Naga AN, Gendelberg D. Return to Play Criteria After Adult Lumbar Spinal Fractures: A Review of Current Literature and Expert Recommendations. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2024 Feb 1. doi: 10.1007/s12178-024-09884-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38300472.
4. El Naga AN, Gendelberg D. Obturator inlet and iliac oblique technique for safe, convenient, and reliable iliac screw placement. N Am Spine Soc J. 2023 No26;17:100298. doi: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2023.100298. PMID: 38179105; PMCID: PMC10765288.
5. El Naga AN, Gendelberg D, Tavolaro C, Zhou H, Bellabarba C, Bransford RJ. Thoracic costotransversectomy characteristics and 90-day complications vary based on underlying diagnosis. J Neurosurg Spine. 2023 Sep 8;39(6):831-838. doi: 10.3171/2023.7.SPINE221220. PMID: 37724834.
6. Rangwalla K, Filley A, El Naga A, Gendelberg D, Baldwin A, Maziad A, Arora A, Wague A, O'Donnell J, Chryssikos T, Kasir R, Shah J, Theologis A, Tan L, Mummaneni P, Berven SH. Degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: review of current classifications and proposal of a novel classification system. Eur Spine J. 2023 Aug 6. doi: 10.1007/s00586-023-07818-x. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37543967
7. Wague A, O'Donnell JM, Rangwalla K, El Naga AN, Gendelberg D, Berven S. Impact of social determinants of health on perioperative opioid utilization in patients with lumbar degeneration. N Am Spine Soc J. 2023 Apr 19;14:100221. 100221. PMID: 37214265.
Upcoming Presentations:
1. Khela M, Agha O, Bonsignore-Opp L, Xu M, Gendelberg D, El Naga A. A Percutaneous Reduction Technique Utilizing Schanz Pins for Reduction of Sacral Kyphosis in U-Type Sacral Fractures. Global Spine Congress; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 28-31, 2025.
2. El Naga A, Khela M, Agha O, Xu M, Gendelberg D. Posterior S1 to Ilium Spinopelvic Fixation: Limiting Cranial Extent of Spinopelvic Fixation to the Pelvis in Select Posterior Pelvic Ring Injuries. Global Spine Congress; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 28-31, 2025.
3. Xu M, Gendelberg D, DiGiorgio A, El Naga A. The Near-Near-Far-Far Surgical Construct Is a Valid and Cost-Saving Technique for Treating Ankylosed Thoracic Spine Hyperextension Injuries. Global Spine Congress; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 28-31, 2025.
4. Agha O, Gendelberg D, El Naga AN. Non-inferiority of Iliac Screw Lengths Placed Under Obturator Inlet and Iliac Oblique Fluoroscopic Views Compared to Freehand or Navigated Techniques. 68th Annual LeRoy C. Abbott Society Scientific Program; San Francisco CA. May 16-17, 2024
Oral Presentations:
1. Baldwin A, Gendelberg D, El Naga A, Berven S. Evaluation of Mechanical Complications in Adult Spine Deformity Cohort. Global Spine Congress Annual Meeting - Abstract Rapid Fire Paper Presentation; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 31, 2025.
2. Baldwin A, Gendelberg D, El Naga A, Berven S. Impact of Provider Variability and Patient Factors in Preoperative Screening for Osteoporosis in Adult Deformity Patients at a Tertiary Academic Center. Global Spine Congress Annual Meeting - Abstract Rapid Fire Paper Presentation; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 30, 2025.
3. Gendelberg D, El Naga A. Percutaneous Cross Connectors - Utility, Technique and Outcomes of a Minimally Invasive Method to Maintain Horizontal Stability in Pelvic Fractures Requiring Spinopelvic Instrumentation. Global Spine Congress Annual Meeting - Abstract Paper Presentation; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 30, 2025.
4. Wague A, O'Donnell J, Filley AC, Milan N, Singh G, Baldwin A, El Naga AN, Gendelberg D, Berven SH. Depression Among Lumbar Spine Surgery Patients: Uncovering the Untold Story. 2025 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting - Abstract Paper Presentation; San Diego, CA. March 12, 2025
5. Gendelberg D, El Naga AN. Obturator Inlet and Iliac Oblique Technique for Safe, Convenient and Reliable Iliac Screw Placement. International Spinal Deformity Symposium; New York City NY. December 2, 2023
6. O’Donnell J, Wague A, Rangwalla K, Gendelberg D, El Naga A, Berven S. Preoperative Opioid Use and Patient Reported Outcomes Following Lumbar Spine Surgery. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Israel Orthopaedic Association - Abstract Paper Presentation; Tel-Aviv IL. January 26, 2023
7. O’Donnell J, Wague A, Gendelberg D, El Naga A, Berven S. Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Preoperative Opiate Utilization in Patients with Lumbar Degeneration. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Israel Orthopaedic Association - Abstract Paper Presentation; Tel-Aviv IL. January 26, 2023
8. Filley A, Baldwin A, Rangwalla K, Bawahab F, El Naga A, Gendelberg D, Berven S. Predictive Factors for Postoperative Loss to Follow-up After Surgery for Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Israel Orthopaedic Association - Abstract Paper Presentation; Tel-Aviv IL. January 26, 2023
Educational Outreach
Upcoming events:
• Temple Spine Symposium Presentations.
• UCSF Spine Trauma Course. 19th Annual San Francisco Orthopaedic Trauma Course, San Francisco, CA. Spring 2025
• Symposium. When do pelvic injuries require a spine-based solution? Global Spine Congress Annual Meeting - Abstract Paper Presentation; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 31, 2025.
• Symposium. What Every Spine Surgeon Should Know About Thoracolumbar Trauma. Global Spine Congress Annual Meeting - Abstract Paper Presentation; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 31, 2025.
Recent educational collaborations:
• 10th Annual Spine Trauma Symposium. Seattle Science Foundation. November 2024. Seattle, Washington, USA.
• What Every Spine Surgeon Should know about Cervical Spine Trauma: An Update. North American Spine Society Annual Meeting Chicago, Il. Oct 2024.
• Symposium: Thoracolumbar Trauma: Current Concepts and Practices Symposium. North American Spine Society Annual Meeting Los Angeles, CA. Oct 2023.
• Symposium: What Every Spine Surgeon Should know about Thoracolumbar Trauma Symposium. North American Spine Society Annual Meeting Chicago, Il. Oct 2022.
• Symposium: What Every Spine Surgeon Should know about Cervical Spine Trauma Symposium. North American Spine Society Annual Meeting Chicago, Il. Oct 2022.
- Team
- Partners and Collaborators
- Research Fellowship /Internships
- Lectures
- Biomechanical Testing Facility Lab
- Surgical Training Facility Lab