IGOT hosts over 140 orthopaedic surgeons across East, Central, and South Africa in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Pictured above: The IGOT team leading the Tanzania SMART Course included (L to R) Emeka Izuagba, MD (Nigeria), Jonathan Sitali, MD (Zambia), Kebba Marenah, MD (The Gambia), Daniel Sciuto, MD (Kenya), Madeline MacKechnie, PhD, MA (UCSF), Michael Terry, MD (UCSF), Anthony Ding, MD (UCSF), Paul Toogood, MD, MS (UCSF), David Shearer, MD, MPH (UCSF), Rich Gellman, MD (San Joaquin County Hospital).

IGOT and SIGN partnered with the Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute (MOI) to deliver the 9th Annual Tanzania SMART Course in Dar es Salaam from June 4-7, 2024.  Over 140 orthopaedic surgeons across East, Central, and South Africa attended the course. Prior to the main course, IGOT partnered with AO Alliance, a Swiss-based foundation dedicated to orthopaedic care, to hold a Faculty Educator Training (FET) to help surgeons become better teachers. The 1.5-day training course allowed 15 surgeon-leaders from Africa to learn how to deliver an effective lecture and lead a case discussion. The main 4-day course focused on the management of open fractures, flaps, pelvis and acetabulum, advanced flaps, and limb deformity. 

For nearly two decades, IGOT has worked to eradicate the unnecessary loss of limb function by increasing the number of surgeons who can provide vital orthopaedic care in the regions that need it the most. Upcoming SMART Courses will be held in Richland, WA, in September and in Nigeria in November, 2024.