Global Orthopaedic Residency Database

We need your help to continue to build partnerships and expand the gORD network! If you have any resources or opportunities that you would like to share in the next newsletter, please send along to
We encourage you to share this website and our current newsletter with trainees and colleagues across the region to help expand our reach.

The Global Orthopaedic Residency Database (gORD) is an academic network that was created to facilitate collaboration and the sharing of resources and opportunities for medical professionals, trainees, and students worldwide. This global project is being piloted initially in Sub-Saharan Africa. The gORD mission is to develop and maintain an active catalogue of orthopaedic trauma training programs in this region for the development of a professional network of learners and educators. 

This organization was founded on behalf of the Institute for Global Orthopaedics and Traumatology (IGOT), and is in partnership with AO Alliance, Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA), SIGN Fracture Care, Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie (SICOT), and College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA).


Current participating orthopaedic trauma training centers are reflected on the map below

We need your help to continue to build partnerships and expand the gORD network! If you have any resources or opportunities that you would like to share in the next newsletter, please send along to We encourage you to share this website and our current newsletter with trainees and colleagues across the region to help expand our reach.


The IGOT team thanks you for your continued support and confidence in our international work. Thank you for your donation!