Give Now to Save Limbs and Lives

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Over 50 million people in the most under-resourced parts of the world cannot walk, work, or thrive due to a shortage of surgeons trained to treat limb injuries and deformities.




IGOT works with doctors and clinics all over the world to provide specialized, hands-on training in resource-limited settings. The IGOT portal contains robust orthopaedic content and is free to access. 


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IGOT began by training approximately 60 surgeons per year from 2006-2016. Since 2006, IGOT has trained over 2,000 surgeons who are actively working to save limbs and correct deformities. But more work is needed.

With your help, this impact can be amplified for years to come. Thank you for your donation to IGOT.


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Support the Institute for Global Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Your contribution will save limbs and lives.