Allied Health Professionals

Aarti Deshpande

Aarti Deshpande

Clinical Manager Orthopaedic Surgery
Mission Bay - Orthotics & Prosthetics

About Aarti Deshpande

Aarti serves as the Clinical Manager of the UCSF Orthotic & Prosthetic Center at Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) for the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.
She received her Bachelors of Science in Orthotics & Prosthetics from Mumbai University completing her residency at All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Mumbai, India in 2000. She then went to work for Endolite, a prosthetic clinic specializing in lower extremity prosthesis, growing the practice and serving patients throughout the western region of India. An opportunity with the leading Prosthetic & Orthotic service provider in the country brought her to the US when she accepted a position with Hanger Clinic in Ohio in 2006.
She has been serving as the Clinical Manager of UCSF O&P at ZSFG since May 2015 when she moved to California. Her primary goal is to provide optimum patient care through a facilitated rehabilitation process to improve and maximize the functional outcomes of patients. She is also interested in the education of patients and other rehabilitation practitioners to acquaint and familiarize them with the O&P profession. She plays an important role as a resident mentor with the University. She also volunteers with the American Board of Certification (ABC) in Orthotics & Prosthetics as a Prosthetic examiner and is also an active member of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists (AAOP). She is passionate about Global clinical care for O&P in under-served communities and countries.