Center for Disruptive Musculoskeletal Innovations, A National Science Foundation Industry & University Cooperative Research Center
The Center for Disruptive Musculoskeletal Innovations (CDMI) represents an exciting and novel integration of healthcare economics, biomedical science, and clinical medicine. University faculty and industry partners are able to collaborate to target novel technologies that will decrease healthcare costs and improve the management and life of patients with musculoskeletal disease.
The mission of the CDMI is to facilitate collaborations between experts in healthcare economics, biomedical science, and clinical medicine to analyze data and inform new technology development that is rationally targeted at value creation and cost reduction, thereby enhancing probabilities for eventual regulatory approval, payor reimbursement, and clinical adoption.
The Center for Disruptive Musculoskeletal Innovations (CDMI) represents an exciting and novel integration of healthcare economics, biomedical science, and clinical medicine. University faculty and industry partners are able to collaborate to target novel technologies that will decrease healthcare costs and improve the management and life of patients with musculoskeletal disease.The mission of the CDMI is to facilitate collaborations between experts in healthcare economics, biomedical science, and clinical medicine to analyze data and inform new technology development that is rationally targeted at value creation and cost reduction, thereby enhancing probabilities for eventual regulatory approval, payor reimbursement, and clinical adoption.
The mission of the CDMI is to facilitate collaborations between experts in healthcare economics, biomedical science, and clinical medicine to analyze data and inform new technology development that is rationally targeted at value creation and cost reduction, thereby enhancing probabilities for eventual regulatory approval, payor reimbursement, and clinical adoption.
The CDMI will hold its biannual symposium on April 5-6, 2017 at the University of Toledo College of Engineering campus at the Brady Center. During the symposium, the CDMI Industry Advisory Board members will listen to the 2016-2017 project presentation updates and provide feedback to the trainees. More information coming soon. For more information, visit