Annual LeRoy C. Abbott Society Scientific Program and Annual Verne T. Inman Lectureship

This program brings together members of the Abbott Orthopaedic Society and faculty and residents of the UCSF Department of Orthopaedics in a collaborative presentation of recent advances and updates in orthopaedic surgery. Our schedule of presentations will address current clinical and research topics that affect clinician decision-making in day-to-day practice.

Course Highlights
•    Exciting educational program featuring concise “hot topic” presentations on issues critical to clinical practice 
•    Panel discussions featuring our visiting professors 
•    Thursday – Happy Hour Social following the days presentations for networking 
•    Friday – Bones Ball Dinner and Reception

Call for Abstracts
We are seeking short (six minute) scientific papers of research or clinical interest for presentation. If you would like your work to be considered for presentation, please submit a 200-word abstract (without illustrations or citations).
Please submit your abstract in MS Word format (abstract should include background, methods, results and conclusion) including the presenting author(s) name(s). All graduating residents must submit an abstract to meet graduation requirements. You may send these documents in an e-mail to
The Program Committee will review the abstracts for appropriateness, clarity, and applicability to the program objectives. Accepted abstracts will be printed in the program. You may submit as many abstracts as you wish, however, no more than two abstracts from any individual will be selected.
The success of the meeting is dependent on the continued high quality of the presentations. We encourage all of you to contribute. Thank you.

Please e-mail with any questions.