On Friday, Feb. 23, 2024, the UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery spotlighted our incredible residents at both the Mission Bay and ZSFG campuses in honor of national Thank-A-Resident Day! Their hard work, dedication, and contributions to the field of orthopedic surgery are greatly appreciated.
In the first photo at ZSFG: Back row from left: Dr. Tony Ding, Dr. Ryan Halvorson (PG-3), Dr. Hunter Warwick (PG-5), Dr. Meir Marmor, Dr. Paul Toogood, Dr. Amelia Mostovoy, Julia Guerrero (NP), Dr. Ted Miclau, and Dr. Paul Klas (Fellow). Front row from left: Dr. Lisa Bonsignore-Opp (PG-2), Dr. Omair Khan (PG-1), Dr. Matthew Cherches (PG-5), Dr. Adriana Casas (PGY-1), Dr. Anoop Galivanche (PG-2), Dr. Sara Kiani (PG-1), and Dr. Rachel Pyon (PGY-1).
In the second photo, : Dr. Ryan Halvorson (PG-3), Dr. Sara Kiani (PG-1), Dr. Omair Khan (PG-1), and Dr. Lisa Bonsignore-Opp (PG-2).
In the third photo: Dr. Ellen Tsay (PG-4) and Dr. Justin Solarczyk (PG-1).