Research: ‘Super-Hero’ Stem Cells Survive Radiation to Regrow Muscles

UC San Francisco researchers Andrew Brack, PhD, and Annarita Scaramozza, PhD, of the UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, have discovered a new type of stem cell in mouse muscles that is resistant to radiation and other forms of cellular stress. The findings have implications for improving recovery for cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and could even lead to treatments to protect future astronauts from the ravages of deep-space radiation. Their results were published April 18 in Cell Stem Cell, alongside a second study showing that these resilient reserve stem cells are not just resistant to radiation, but also take over when regular stem cells are damaged by environmental toxins found in plastics and other pollutants.
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UC San Francisco researchers Andrew Brack, PhD, and Annarita Scaramozza, PhD, of the UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, have discovered a new type of stem cell in mouse muscles that is resistant to radiation and other forms of cellular stress. The findings have implications for improving recovery for cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and could even lead to treatments to protect future astronauts from the ravages of deep-space radiation.

Their results were published April 18 in Cell Stem Cell, alongside a second study showing that these resilient reserve stem cells are not just resistant to radiation, but also take over when regular stem cells are damaged by environmental toxins found in plastics and other pollutants.

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