UCSF Researchers to be highlighted at Orthopaedic Research Society annual meeting in February




Tamara Alliston, PhD

Chelsea Bahney, PhD

Brian Feeley, MD





Aaron Fields, PhD

Drew Lansdown, MD

C. Benjamin Ma, MD





Ralph Marcucio, PhD

Marmon Meir, MD

Alan Zhang, MD


SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 11, 2019 --The UCSF Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery will be sending several of its researchers to present at the annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society (https://www.ors.org) to be held Feb. 2-5, 2019 in Austin, Texas.

Presentations will include poster sessions by Meir Marmor, MD  on the epidemiology of orthopaedic injuries;  Aaron Fields, PhD and Jeannie Bailey, PhD on the treatment of spine disorders; Drew Lansdown, MD on the use of high resolution MRI to quantify orthopaedic injuries; C. Benjamin Ma, MD, who will present the ORS spotlight lecture on Clinical Utility of Advanced Imaging of the Knee; Mary Nakamura, PhD, who will discuss current research from Ralph Marcucio, PhD and his work on fracture healing and skeletal development; Chelsea Bahney, PhD, who will discuss new developments in understanding fracture healing, Alan Zhang, MD who will talk about outcomes after hip arthroscopy; Brian Feeley, MD and members of his lab who will present research in muscle stem cell biology and how treatments can improve outcomes after musculoskeletal injury; and Courtney Mazur, BS, who will present research from Tamara Alliston, PhD and how bone and cartilage interact in early arthritis settings. UCSF will be presenting more than 30 scientific findings at the major basic science orthopedic research meeting.

For a complete list of UCSF presentations, download the list of abstracts.

To learn more about the ORS annual meeting, visit the ORS web site.

