Navigating the App

This is where you can familiarise yourself with the app and gain knowledge on how to use it efficiently!


Once FlightTest and mskApp are downloaded this is what it should look like:


Step-by-step guide

First time use set-up

  1. Open app
  2. Click on your assigned study
  3. Complete consent form
  4. Complete medical survey

Daily tasks

  • Complete assigned exercises
    • Complete each exercise assigned to you daily.
      1. Click on "Exercises" and select the exercise you wish to complete

Exercise home

  1. Clicking on "Info" will display all pre-exercise information including set-up instructions and necessary equipment.

Exercise information

  1. Clicking on "Tutorial" will display a slideshow depicting the exercise with written instructions.

    Exercise demo

  2. Finally when you are ready to perform the exercise click "Record". This will allow you to record a video whilst you exercise. You have will have the option to save the video or retake it.



  • Complete VAS survey
    • This is a daily survey to help us understand your daily pain levels.

Weekly tasks

  • Complete PROMIS survey
    • This weekly survey helps us understand your weekly pain levels, mental health, and quality of life.